Give your valuable loved one a "SPRUCIFICATION"
These are some before and after photographs (un-retouched!) of some of my work.
This guy needed a serious cleaning, but when I cleaned him I found out how fragile he was. He was completely taken apart, I lined the torso with new fabric, and reassembled. He also got a "cutification" on his face. All the work was well worth it - WHAT A FACE!!!
Wish I knew who made him. He was certainly made by one of the top manufacturers, very high quality, probably German, and is in my personal collection. I have NEVER seen another monkey like this one!!!
This 1920's - 30's white STEIFF JOCKO puppet had had an intimate encounter with some moths. Repairing the hole in his face was a combination of pulling the existing felt together and filling in the rest with wool fiber and needle-felting.
If your fur guy needs stuffing added, I like to use the same stuffing material that was originally used, whether excelsior, kapok, or even CORK like this guy!! I ground up some old wine bottle corks that were REAL CORK. The wine I drink is so cheap that the corks are synthetic, so the corks were donated by friends. (A small amount of the flesh from my knuckles was ground up with the cork)
Many items come to me is really sad shape. Although the process is not cheap, I can offer a quote and give you an evaluation of what I can do for your favorite critter. Please call me! I must warn you that, because this is not all I do, some repairs can take MANY MONTHS to complete.
I specialize in WOOL FELT repair, and prefer to work on old mohair and wool felt toys without DRY ROT!!! I may not be able to give you an accurate evaluation of repair possibilities until I see the actual "patient", and whil I enjoy a chjallenge, I reserve the right to turn down a project if I feel it is beyond my abilities to repair or if your completion time expectations are not compatible with my work load, travel schedule, materials on hand (right color felt or mohair), and general creative impulses.
1920's - 30's French FADAP monkey has a metal button in the ear (sound familiar?) that says FADAP. The nose was closed in by just stretching the existing felt. Aftyer closing, the original nostrils suddenly appeared.
The mohair fabric used by the French is not a very tight weave, so it's very easy for the stitching to break right through the edge of the fabric. The cotter pin for the neck joint goes right through the stitching, so it didn't take much to break through the stitching and fabric, the head fell off, and someone sewed the head on to the body - but BACKWARDS!! (notice the way his thumbs point and the way his elbows and knees bend) To me he looked like a HYDROCEPHALLIC MUTANT ALIEN!!!
But after a good cleaning, a new neck joint in the proper location and some other repairs - VOILA!!! A wonderful addition to my collection!!